School Guide

Top 5 Study Abroad Destinations for 2017

Published by SchoolAdvisor | Dec 07, 2016

We just love studying abroad. What makes it so appealing? Is it the world-renowned education system? Or the opportunity to finally get out of your comfort zone and explore amazing landscape and personalities? What ever the reason, we have complied a list of top 5 study abroad destinations according to GoAbroad. These countries are guaranteed to offer you the once in a life time experience every student yearns for!

1. Italy

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image via Surprisingly Italy

With its amazing food, exotic language, beautiful art, and dynamic history, Italy is the most sought-after destination for aspiring study abroad students. Programmes have a unique blend of Italian cultural studies and courses in a variety of majors from business to fine arts. Italy claims 13 of its universities out of 45 were established and ran in medieval Europe before the colonisation of America. The best part? Italians welcome foreign students with open arms!

Studying in Italy is a wise choice, but not just for the historical educational prowess of the nation. With several institutions amongst the top 200 in the world, and tuition fees and the cost of living amongst the lowest of the top study abroad destinations, Italy is an excellent place to further your studies.

Opportunities to look out for:


2. Spain

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image via Everything PR

Many people choose to study abroad to develop their English proficiency. In Spain, you can do that, but you can also learn and hone your Spanish at the same time, one of the few languages that are spoken worldwide (with the exception of English of course). It’s not just your language skills that you’ll develop though; with over seventy universities to choose from you’re sure to find an institution and course that is perfect for you.

The cost of living is also affordable and tuition fees are not much more than Italy’s. Of course, you don’t necessarily choose to study in a particular destination because it is cheaper than others, but Spain offers more than just affordability, with vibrant cultures, an enviable climate, and friendly nature, it’s a study abroad destination that you’ll be sad to leave, and eager to return to.

Opportunities to look out for:


3. England

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Students just seem to really love studying abroad in England. Could it be because it's the home of many high-profiled individuals such as the Queen and David Beckham? Or maybe it's because of England's historical ties with so many parts of the world.

England offers a more subtle foray into the world of cultural differences. English is spoken everywhere (even if there are local dialects you can pick up if you’re up for the challenge!) and finding your favorite brands from back home probably won’t be an issue here.

Opportunities to look out for:


4. France

From the dazzling city lights and the iconic Eiffel tower, many wouldn't have guessed that Paris, along with its fellow French cities, shines as an destination for international students. So much so that for the second straight year, the city has claimed top spot for the best cities to study.

However, the cost of studying in France ranges dramatically depending on the institution. A private university will cost much more than public universities. Still, compared to countries like the US and the UK, the cost of attending one of France’s premiere institutes of higher education is a relative steal. Not to mention, France offers an array of scholarships for international students, which makes the country a realistic destination even for those with the tightest budget.

Opportunities to look out for:


5. Germany

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Germany is undeniably of the top study abroad destinations in Europe though the cost of living is comparably higher than other European destinations. However, this is compensated with FREE tuition! Only some small administration or registration fee might be charged.

It’s a nation that has produced more Nobel prize winners than we can mention here and boasts more than ten institutions in the top 200 QS world university rankings. With more than 350 universities and institutions offering more than 800 courses to choose from, you’re sure to find something that tickles your fancy.

Plus: A tertiary education in Germany--4 things you should knowOpportunities to look out for: