School Type
Pre School
Reggio Emilia
Levels Offered
Student/Teacher Ratio
Toddler: 4:1 & 5:1 <br>Nursery 6:1 & 8:1
No Boarding
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About Odyssey, The Global Preschool
The early childhood education landscape in Malaysia and the region has undergone significant transformation over the past decade. Today's early childhood education research promotes diversity, child empowerment and learner-centric approaches using emerging themes like creativity, critical thinking and social-emotional literacy.The Odyssey Preschool journey began way back in 1999, when the team witnessed an amazing exhibit entitled 'The Hundred Languages of Children' in San Francisco. This world-renowned exhibit showcased a myriad of children's ideas, interpreted and documented by educators from the preschool centres of Reggio Emilia, a small city in Northern Italy.
The schools of Reggio Emilia have earned international acclaim for its innovative pedagogy and powerful, practice-based theory in early childhood education. The success of this approach is attributed to its open-ended, child-centred learning. This unique educational philosophy promotes an educational culture of collaboration, observation and documentation, and focuses on the child as an active, competent learner, whilst celebrating the active role of the environment as the third teacher.
Odyssey Preschool also serves as a learning observation centre, regional centre of expertise for innovative and creative early childhood education approaches, and a research and development hub for early childhood education. Their programme is designed to showcase international best practices by promoting highly effective early childhood practices, adopting research-based educational principles and strategies that will optimise the development and enhancement of children’s lives.
The Odyssey Preschool’s rigorous, innovative curriculum offers many learner-centric benefits to children through experiences that are holistically, creatively, technologically and academically-enriched. Through their cutting-edge pedagogy which focuses on problem-based learning, the learning outcomes ensure children develop to become active communicators, inquirers and researchers, creative and critical thinkers and risk takers, and global citizens of the world.
Music studio
Little chef's lab
Rooftop garden
Odyssey, The Global Preschool Fees
Preschool (per month)
RM1,500 - RM2,000
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Odyssey, The Global Preschool | Contact Details
No 22 and 22A Jalan Setia Dagang U13/AJ, Seventh Avenue, Setia Alam Seksyen U13, 40170 Shah Alam, Selangor