Garden International School is pleased to announce its A?level results for 2016.
Sixty?six per cent of GIS A?level candidates achieved A* and A grades in comparison with 48.7 per cent of the independent schools under the Independent School Council (ISC). The ISC represents 85 per cent of independent schools in the United Kingdom including Eton, Wycombe Abbey, Wellington College and Cheltenham Ladies’ College.
The result achieved by GIS is two and a half times the figure achieved in all schools in the United Kingdom. Over one in five candidates in GIS obtained a minimum of 3A* grade for their A?level compared with one in fifteen in the ISC independent schools.
“This is a great achievement for the students and it is important to highlight that these results are achieved thanks to very hard?working students, dedicated and caring teachers and supportive parents,” commented Nicola Mason, Head of Secondary.