Parenting Guide

Learning Mandarin as the Main Goal

Published by SchoolAdvisor | Jan 22, 2015

Malaysian parents no doubt believe in the importance of education, and being multilingual is crucial in a world that is rapidly heading towards globalization.Mandarin being spoken by more than 1 billion people is now on par with English as the most used language in the world. It is also an official language of the United Nations.Learning Mandarin opens doors to a huge job market in all of the countries where Mandarin is the language of commerce like Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore and even Malaysia! Abundant opportunities for government and business careers as well as scientific and cultural exchanges awaits students who take Mandarin classes.Mandarin ProgrammesAbout 25 million people all over the world are learning Chinese, statistics show. France, a country which is proud of its own language, has 27 universities which opened Chinese courses in 1998, compared with only 11 universities in 1991. In addition, Chinese courses have also been opened in many of France's primary and middle schools.Malaysia can definitely boast in that aspect as we have had a strong foundation of Chinese schools even before gaining independence.Don’t forget to LIKE us on Facebook and receive updates and consultation on all matters related to Private and International schools in Malaysia.