Travelling With Kids 101: Parents who have travelled with kids would know how much of a nightmare it can be when you're not prepared for the occasion. How do you make travelling with kids easier? Here's a list of what you can do to make your travelling experience with the kids a little better:
The number one rule for travelling with kids is to have a checklist of the things they have to do pre-flight, during flight and upon arrival. This is to make thing more organized for both parent and child and to make travelling overall, a fun experience.Your checklist may include toys to bring, passport, copies of legal documents, a change of clothes for both your tot and you and also a variety of snacks to munch on in the plane.
If your kids happen to be in their potty training period during your travels, keep in mind to pack up a few pull ups for the flight. You might get a sit far from the toilet and the last thing you want is a pee-soaked toddler on your lap, especially when they are still unable to control their bladder.It's alright to bend the rules a bit and have them wear pull ups for the rest of the flight so it will be easier for both parents and child.
Since kids are not fond of being in a child-leash or having their movements restricted, parents should consider tagging their kids for safety measurements. You can also dress them in bright colors so they will be easy to spot or teach them beforehand what they should do should they get separated from you when you are travelling together.Another option is to buy a cord and clip one end to their belt loop and another to yours. It might look funny, but it's better than having to go through the trauma of losing a child.
Wet wipes should be the utmost top priority in every parents checklist when travelling. From wiping off the sauce on your kid's face to sanitizing forks and spoons at restaurants, wet wipes serves a thousand uses.They're a lot more effective than plain tissue papers which lacks the moisture wet wipes provide. You can also opt for a small bottle of hand sanitizer to use during the flight. Just be sure of the travel regulations before bringing one.
The last thing you'd want is being in a busy airport with kids who are in the middle of a sugar rush. You can bring a pack or two of sweets as treats but be sure that most of your snacks are on the healthy sides.Avoid food that is crumbly or saucy as this can be messy especially for toddlers. You can bring sliced fruits, vegetable chips and nuts to name a few. Snacking can also keep the kids occupied throughout the flight.
For those with older kids, you can encourage them to write a travel journal about their trip. Tell them about the country you're visiting and make them write about it. You can also bring a polaroid camera to take pictures so they can include it in their journal as well.Don't forget to collect postcards along the way and make them write to grandma or grandpa during the trip. Kids love feeling important so this will make them more excited about the trip.
(photo credit: way to make travelling exciting for kids is to include them in your plans. Tell them about the country you'll be visiting and ask them what they would like to see and experience.This will make them feel included in decision making and this will instil a sense of importance and self confidence in them. Parents can also make a deal with the kids before travelling in which completing chores would get them souvenir money.
If this is the first time your kids will be travelling, you might want to give them a little briefing on what to expect so they would not be so overwhelmed when confronted by security at the airport. Kids can be very attached to parents so going through security alone can prove to be more intimidating for them than it is for adults.Make sure your kids know what they will be going through at the airport so they can be mentally prepared for it. Nobody wants to make a scene at the security especially when they're running late.
(photo credit: all have been through some form of ear pain when airborne and kids experience them too. It could be very painful for them especially for toddlers who have no idea what is going on and why does their ear feel like someone just stuck a screwdriver in them.To ease their pain, parents can get a special pair of eardrums designed for airplane ear pain. For older kids, you can bring chewing gum or candies that require a lot of sucking to get the saliva flowing since the swallowing motion can lessen the pain.