School Advisor Articles

How Sunway International School Transformed Liew Xi Wen's Life

Published by SchoolAdvisor | Oct 10, 2024

When Liew Xi Wen attended Sunway International School (SIS), many things profoundly transformed her education and life. She immersed herself in a diverse community of 50 nationalities, making her first international friends from Korea, England, Bangladesh, Japan and China. These connections opened her eyes to different cultures and perspectives, creating lasting bonds that enriched her experience.

One friendship, in particular, changed everything. In 7th grade, a close Korean friend introduced Xi Wen to K-pop, sparking a passion she never anticipated. Before this, Xi Wen had little interest in Korean music and even teased her friends who loved it. However, as she spent more time with her Korean friend, she began to appreciate the vibrancy of Korean culture. This newfound interest led her to explore not only the music and dramas but also the language itself.

Fast forward eight years, Xi Wen is now an exchange student at Chung-Ang University in Seoul, South Korea. 

"The skills and knowledge I’ve gained over the years have contributed to a smooth sailing semester here in Seoul," she says. "My journey from SIS to Seoul has been marked by personal growth, cultural immersion and lasting friendships, significantly enriching my life."

Xi Wen studied at SIS from 2016 to 2019, a big change from her earlier education at a Chinese government school in Malaysia.

Studying at Sunway International School

Sunway International Schools have made a name for themselves as leading private institutions under the Sunway Education Group (SEG). With over thirty years of experience in private and higher education across Malaysia and Southeast Asia, SEG, governed by the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation (JCF), is committed to excellence in education. SIS embodies this ethos, focusing on humility, service to the community and providing a quality holistic education. Here students are nurtured to become creative, collaborative and socially responsible global citizens.

These aspects, together with the Canadian, Cambridge and IB curricula, offer SIS students truly international education and experience. That was what Xi-Wen experienced when she moved to SIS from a Chinese government school in 2016. As the only international school in Malaysia that offered a Canadian curriculum, it felt like a whole new world to her. 

Most of her teachers were Canadian, but she also met educators from various backgrounds. Many had degrees from the University of Toronto, bringing a unique perspective to the classroom — something Xi Wen discovered immediately.

“The learning environment at SIS was incredibly different from what I was accustomed to. Teachers were not only knowledgeable but also genuinely caring. They created a supportive atmosphere where students were encouraged to interact and collaborate, a refreshing approach from the more formal education system I had previously experienced.”

At first, the diverse international faculty, including the Canadian principal, felt intimidating to her. However, they quickly created a welcoming space that helped Xi Wen adapt to her new surroundings. Their dedication and support made a significant difference in her transition to this new educational setting.

The importance of student well-being was evident in the resources SIS offered. There was a robust support system in place to help students navigate both academic and personal issues. "I regularly sought guidance from the counsellors, who provided a lot of support during both academic challenges and personal struggles. Their empathy and assistance played a crucial role in my high school experience,” Xi Wen says.

Another crucial aspect of Xi Wen's experience was the guidance from the Higher Education (HE) team. The team actively prepared students for life beyond high school, offering personalised advice on university applications and career paths. Thanks to their proactive approach, Xi Wen felt well-prepared for the next phase of her education.

Xi Wen’s time at SIS was about growing, making lasting friends, and having experiences that still shape her life.

Exploring Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs)

Beyond academics, Xi Wen explored many different clubs, each offering unique experiences and chances for personal growth. She joined the volleyball team, the library committee, the yearbook club, the photography club and the Interact Club, among others. These clubs enabled her to make new friendships and develop different skills. 

Her involvement in the student council, however, had the most significant impact on her. Starting as a general member, she gradually took on more responsibilities, contributing to the planning and executing of school events. "This experience helped with my organisational abilities and also strengthened my ability to communicate effectively with peers and school administrators."

As a junior, Xi Wen co-founded the Activism Club with friends, aiming to raise awareness about marginalised groups and social issues. One notable event organised by the club was ‘Working Woman,’ where women from various professions were invited to share their experiences of gender equality in the workplace. This event sparked important conversations among students about overcoming challenges and striving for equity in the professional world. 

Another meaningful initiative by the Activism Club was a fundraising campaign for Dun-No, a young refugee from Myanmar with cerebral palsy. The club partnered with the Art Club to create the ‘Quar-Art-Tine’ fundraiser, an online challenge where participants used their artistic skills to raise money for Dun-No’s family during the financial strains of COVID-19. This event was not just a way to give back but also brought the school community together for a common cause.

Xi Wen’s passion for leadership extended beyond activism. In her senior year, she founded the Sports Stacking Club, inspired by her younger brother and a friend who were national sports stacking champions. Through her involvement in CCAs, Xi Wen developed skills in empathy, resilience and organisational management. These experiences shaped her as a leader and contributed to her personal growth in ways that continue to benefit her today.

Reflecting on her time at SIS, Xi Wen says, "The supportive community and dedicated teachers and staff at SIS left a huge impact on my high school years, for which I am deeply grateful."

Today, Xi Wen is studying at Taylor’s University, and she recently participated in an exchange programme at Chung-Ang University, a Korean university. 

Word of wisdom to future SIS students

After learning SIS, Xi Wen completed her Ontario Secondary School Diploma at Sunway College before pursuing a Bachelor of Business, Digital Marketing, and Analytics at Taylor's University. This was all possible thanks to the enriching experience she had at SIS. She highly recommends aspiring students or parents looking for an international school for their children consider SIS, where she has made lifelong friends and countless unforgettable memories.

"Being in a completely different environment taught me a lot, so don't be afraid of starting or experiencing something new. SIS showed me that learning can be fun and enjoyable. As cliché as it sounds, don’t be afraid to try new things, because you never know how life-changing they could be."

Her advice for students is to keep an open mind and seize every opportunity, even those that push them out of their comfort zones. These experiences can lead to valuable lessons and potentially enriching moments. 

To truly make the most of their time at SIS, Xi Wen encourages students to join various clubs. These clubs not only expand social circles beyond classrooms but also help foster community and camaraderie among students. Connecting with seniors and juniors can lead to meaningful friendships and experiences. If anyone has a unique interest or idea, Xi Wen encourages them not to hesitate to start their own club. 

"There will always be at least one teacher in the school who will support and encourage you to bring your vision to life. The opportunities are limitless!"