School Advisor Articles

Pathways to Excellence: The Resilient Story of Dashania Elvira Gregory

Published by SchoolAdvisor | May 10, 2024

Dashania Elvira Gregory is anything but your typical student. A scholar, leader, and multi-hyphenate talent, her impressive resume boasts titles like Vice President of MMU Accounting Club, Best Student Prodigy Award 2024 recipient, and UN Volunteer. But Dashania’s path to success wasn’t linear. It began in a public primary school classroom, a world away from the prestigious halls of Cempaka International Ladies College (CILC), where she would later blossom.

A Small-Town Girl with Big Dreams

Dashania’s early education took place in a public primary school, a bustling environment with classes exceeding 40 students. Here, she consistently ranked among the top ten, demonstrating a natural aptitude for learning and a thirst for knowledge.

Even at a young age, her talents extended beyond academics. At just 11 years old, she triumphed in an international public speaking competition, besting students from Australia and ASEAN countries. This early success foreshadowed the driven and articulate leader she would become.

However, her life took a significant turn when she was selected, as one of only four students from Melaka and a total of seven students across Malaysia, for the prestigious EduGift Nationwide Scholarship programme at CILC. Leaving her hometown in Melaka, Dashania, the eldest child and the first in her Kristang Portuguese community to pursue an international education, felt excitement and trepidation.

“It was intimidating but also super exciting and rewarding after all the hard work and sacrifices made by my parents, especially my mother who left her job when I was a sickly child.”

After scoring 5As in UPSR, Dashania attended Cempaka International Ladies College.


A Nurturing Environment that Fostered Growth

CILC proved to be a transformative experience for Dashania. The close-knit community there quickly became a source of comfort and support. The teachers, described by Dashania as ‘like mothers and fathers’, provided both academic guidance and emotional support.

More importantly, CILC wasn’t just about academics for Dashania; it was a springboard for personal growth. The school nurtured a unique learning environment that went beyond rote memorisation. Here, teachers encouraged critical thinking, open discussions and independent exploration. This, in turn, honed Dashania’s analytical skills and instilled confidence in questioning and forming her own opinions.

What's more, the curriculum’s focus on languages like French and Mandarin broadened her horizons. “I was really proud to earn an A in my IGCSE Mandarin exam and use the language till this day. The teachers were amazing mentors, not just for their subjects but for life overall.”

CILC’s faculty played a crucial role in shaping Dashania’s academic and personal journey. They weren’t just instructors; they were mentors.  Dashania fondly remembers Ms. Chong, her science teacher, who not only instilled a love for the subject but also offered everyday support. “She also did little things like remind me to drink water and give me confidence when I had to present to the class.”

One unique aspect of the learning experience was the opportunity to ‘teach back’ concepts. In other words, the school encouraged students to take ownership of their learning, even allowing presentations based on their interpretations.

Stepping Outside the Comfort Zone

Life at CILC wasn’t confined to textbooks. The school actively pushed students to step outside their comfort zones and explore new avenues. Dashania, once hesitant about sports, discovered a passion for wall climbing and even led the team as captain. But the most surprising revelation came in the form of singing.

“I'll never forget hitting that high note during a choir performance and surprising myself. Getting involved in drama, musicals, and plays opened up my artistic side in a way I had never anticipated. It taught me discipline and teamwork, expressed my creativity, and made me feel like I was part of something bigger.”

However, CILC wasn’t just sunshine and rainbows like any other school. Challenges and setbacks were inevitable. Yet, the school's unwavering support system, with its dedicated teachers and a strong sense of sisterhood, proved invaluable. This sense of community, Dashania emphasises, helped them persevere through tough times. They learned to uplift each other, forming an unbreakable bond that continues to empower them long after graduation.

At Cempaka International School Cheras, Dashania’s outstanding education effort was recognised with a Certificate of Excellence.

Shift to Cempaka International School Cheras

At Cempaka International School Cheras, Dashania continued her international education from middle school to A Levels.

Here, her time wasn’t defined solely by textbooks. She actively participated in a vast array of co-curricular activities, a journey that not only broadened her horizons but also significantly impacted her personal growth and university application.

As Editor-in-Chief of the school magazine, Dashania discovered a passion for storytelling. This role honed her leadership, communication and creative thinking as she collaborated with her team to bring engaging content to life. Public speaking through TedTalk events and debates further bolstered her poise, articulation and ability to think critically on the spot.

Athletics wasn’t initially on Dashania’s radar, but by defying her own expectations, she became the Wall Climbing Captain and embraced basketball, netball and swimming.

“These experiences allowed me to cultivate discipline, determination and teamwork as part of the sports teams. Stepping out of my comfort zone this way boosted my confidence and willingness to embrace new challenges head-on.”

The arts also provided a creative outlet throughout Dashania’s years at Cempaka. Singing in the choir and participating in theatrical productions allowed her to explore her musical side and express herself in a supportive environment. This not only nurtured her appreciation for the arts but also developed public speaking, emotional expression and collaborative skills.

Such extensive involvement in co-curricular activities proved transformative. It helped her discover her diverse capabilities, adaptability, diligence and insatiable curiosity. These experiences undeniably shaped her identity, values and perspectives in ways that transcended academics, making her a well-rounded applicant for any university.

One of Dashania’s proudest moments was when she delivered a TED Talk entitled "Carpe Diem: Seize the Day.

A Well-Rounded Individual

Dashania’s background at Cempaka International School Cheras wasn’t just a stepping stone to university; it equipped her with the tools to excel once she got there.

Becoming a probationary prefect during her freshman year proved to be a transformative experience. The challenges – a rigorous leadership camp, demanding responsibilities, and even commanding respect from her male peers — honed her skills in diligence, communication, conflict resolution and teamwork.  These are all crucial for navigating the complexities of university life.

Cempaka also fostered a deep sense of determination in Dashania. The ‘good, the bad, and the ugly’ of her prefecture experience instilled in her a relentless drive to push her boundaries and achieve her full potential. This translates perfectly into the competitive environment of a university, where exceeding expectations is key to success.

“I developed a proverbial ‘chip on my shoulder’- a resolve to prove myself and maximise my capabilities in the next chapter of my life no matter where I am or in any of my pursuits.”

Dashania’s scholarship to an international school enabled her to study in a global environment, but her perspective shifted later. While scholarships provided her access, it was her ‘invite yourself to the table’ mentality that fueled her success. “The key is to take the initiative and invite yourself to the table rather than waiting for others to extend the invitation. It’s about developing the self-confidence and determination to seize opportunities rather than passively expecting them to be handed to you.”

As she embarks on the next chapter of her journey at Multimedia University, one can only imagine the remarkable feats this bright young woman will achieve.