School Guide

Going Beyond The Classroom: Encouraging Holistic Education in a Diverse Learning Environment

Published by SchoolAdvisor | May 16, 2021

Sayfol students on their lunch break

Since 1985, International Education at Sayfol International School has attracted more than 60 global citizens from the United Kingdom, South Korea, China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan, Hong Kong and more. The school’s strategic location within Kuala Lumpur city as well as the diverse and holistic education programmes have since attracted many migrating parents to enrol their children for both holistic education and a secured tertiary education worldwide.

Over the years, international education has evolved from just scoring well academically to exciting curriculum and activities beyond the classrooms. Holistic education provides an exciting alternative for both local and international families who seek to align a child’s needs and skills in preparation for an ambitious and fast-paced future.

Why is Holistic Education Important?

At Sayfol, we believe that holistic education is the development of intellectual, emotional, physical and social potential from Early Years to A-Level within a diverse learning environment. This plays an important role in implementing values, beliefs, and habits to factor a holistic education success.

Being in a diverse environment magnifies holistic education as a whole, creating togetherness and a high sense of belonging in and beyond the students’ classrooms. Every student is given the opportunity to adopt well to global challenges, science and technology, global perspectives and project-based learning.

Early Years Holistic Education

Sayfol students in a Jungle Book production; theatre and drama is a great way to incorporate holistic education

Our mission as a school is to enhance holistic learning through moral intelligence in order to create unique childhood experiences. This is why at Sayfol Kindergarten, we implement the International Early Years Curriculum as our main curriculum focus, assessing each child based on their learning capabilities and communication practices.

Child-centered family focused, community based, holistic care and education during preschool years is essential for securing the wellbeing and rights of all children. The Record for Early Childhood Growth and Development attempts to integrate the different facets for optimal child development in the assessment procedure, and encourages a programme of communication with the primary caregiver to support child nurture.

Holistic Curriculum, International Diversity in Primary & Secondary School

When a child enters Primary & Secondary School, holistic education becomes more than just achieving excellent academic scores in major examinations. Sayfol’s holistic international education activates passion in Performing Arts, Music & Sports, allowing students to excel in all facets of learning. This has resulted in a complete way of changing how students learn in school. With the advent of diverse schooling environments, the overall holistic learning becomes a necessity for those who wish to become agile global citizens of the 21st century.

Holistic Learning for all

Sports is an integral part of a child's all-round developmentIn a world full of potential, children’s education requirements have changed over the decade. Academic lessons are no longer sufficient to support a holistic schooling experience, especially when emotional, mental and physical duress are considered extremely important parts in nurturing a diverse and functional individual.

Evidently, holistic education in a diverse learning environment has contributed to the efforts of achieving greater heights in the student’s tertiary education and career paths. A child’s development depends on the positive stimulation during early years, allowing human development such as improved school achievements and peer interactions to develop further. This is a great opportunity for parents and educators to assess and encourage qualitative holistic child development over the course of their school years.

Come join us this Term 1, Academic Year 2021/2022. Classes commencing from August 2021! For more information, please get in touch with our Admissions Team at 016 338 6106 or check out Sayfol International School Page here.