There are many factors to consider when it comes to choosing the right curriculum for your child. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to your child’s education and this is why the Australian Curriculum gives the best opportunity for growth.
Here are the top five reasons your child should be doing the Australian Curriculum:
Who doesn’t want to love what they do? The Australian Curriculum aims to help ensure all young students are equipped with not only the knowledge and capabilities, but also the skills needed to provide foundation for successful and lifelong learning.
By offering a broad range of subjects (English, mathematics, science, health and physical education, humanities and social sciences, arts, technologies and languages, etc), it will introduce your child to a world of possibilities and knowledge.
Coupling that with the general capabilities/skills component – such as literacy, numeracy, information and communication technology capability, critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability, ethical understanding, intercultural understanding – in the Australian Curriculum, your child will not only have the knowledge, but the skills to pursue what they are interested in too.
When children are interested in their own education, it engages, self-motivates and inspires them to better improve themselves. Chances are, your child would end up being passionate about his education.
In the Australian Curriculum, students develop an intercultural understanding as they learn to value not only their own cultures, languages and beliefs, but those of others as well.
Living in the 21st century, modern travel and technology has made it possible to work with anyone around the world. Part of the Australian Curriculum is that it inspires connections across cultures to help bridge the gap. It cultivates values and dispositions – such as curiosity, care, empathy, reciprocity, respect, responsibility, open-mindedness and critical awareness – and supports new and positive intercultural behaviours.
This lays the foundation for your child’s future. Studying or working overseas would be easier for him, compared to counterparts who do not have the benefits of this education.
Flexibility is part of the key components that make up the Australian Curriculum, letting teachers personalise the learning and teaching.
There are set standards and outcomes in the Australian Curriculum that have to be met whether students are advanced or not. However, it does mean that a teacher can look at her group of students and work out the best way to meet the set outcomes. So, depending on the class and its capabilities, the journey to achieving those outcomes may be different – which is where the flexibility comes in.
Teachers have the ability to fast-track students that are doing better, and slow things down for students who need a bit more time or one-on-one attention. The flexibility revolves around the delivery of the lesson for your children’s specified needs so that they can achieve their very best.
You can rest assured that your child is getting an education that has a solid foundation and is well researched.
NSW Education Standards Authority’s (NESA) standards are developed through the analysis of data, research and the practical experience, wisdom and professional judgement of teachers and schools across the four domains of teaching quality, curriculum, assessment, and school regulation.
As an independent statutory authority, NESA reports to an independent board and the NSW Minister of Education. This means that their approval of their education standards are evidence based and which makes their curriculum relevant for the times.
NESA undertakes research relating to the core functions of Teacher Accreditation, National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), RoSA/HSC participation and performance and School regulation.
The New South Wales (NSW) Curriculum makes sure all children and youth leave school ready to take advantage of life’s opportunities as well as rise to the inevitable challenges life throws at them.
The curriculum sets the expectations of what students should be taught regardless of where they live, their background or their culture. As education plays a huge role in shaping the lives of your children, the rationale of the Australian Curriculum revolves around improving the quality, equity and transparency of Australia’s education system.
In Malaysia, the Australian Curriculum mirrors that of the country and is all about equity and excellence. So, being a multicultural nation, it wouldn’t matter which race or religion your children belong to as the curriculum promotes the idea that they can be confident, creative individuals who are excellent at whatever they want to be.
Unlike a lot of the curricula out there, the Australian Curriculum’s key is that it is skills-based, and is designed for students to think about where they want to fit in the world, what to manage on their own and how to communicate with others across different cultures. Schools like Australian International School Malaysia continue to deliver exceptional education through the Australian Curriculum to help your children extend their potential and excel in their chosen paths.
To discover more about Australian International School Malaysia (AISM), visit or drop an email to [email protected] or call +603 8949 5000.