Special Education

3 Powerful Images To Change Your Views on Dyslexia

Published by SchoolAdvisor | Jun 22, 2015

Photographer Daniel Britton is notably known for his work, a photograph of which advocates awareness on how it feels to be dyslexic.


The images shown are not what a dyslexic person sees when reading a text. It is rather the frustration of not being able to process the information seen and make sense of it immediately that is being conveyed.

Britton says “It is simply a breakdown in communication between the eye and the brain. You can see the information, you can see each letter perfectly but there is something in your mind that is stopping or slowing the process of information.”

He wants to dispel the myth of dyslexics being lazy, stupid or not putting enough effort into reading. Below are letters of the alphabet as visualized by Daniel Britton:

Dyslexia affects about 700 million people worldwide, affecting their ability to read, write and spell. Dyslexia in affected individuals has a different range of severity according to their condition.