Special Education

Scholarship and Fee Assistance for Children with Special Education Needs

Published by SchoolAdvisor | Sep 16, 2013

The Ministry of Education via the Education National Key Results Area (NKRA) is offering fee assistance and scholarships to children with special education needs who come from low-income families. Pre-school education providers with special needs children may also apply for a one-off grant amounting to RM 20,000 (This is open to any private or non-profit pre-school across Malaysia).Both licensed and unlicensed pre-school operators and NGOs are very welcome to register with the National Pre-School Database (SMPK) as a prerequisite to access the incentives.

For more information on fee assistance, please visit www.moe.gov.my or call 03 8883 0611 (Private Education Division). For downloading the appropriate application forms check Pemandu Website. Grant and fee assistance guidelines are also available at Pemandu Guideline PDF here.