School Advisor Articles

How ISKL Prepared Kingsley for Success in Mathematics and Beyond

Published by SchoolAdvisor | Sep 04, 2024

Strong academics and a long list of extracurricular activities are often viewed as key to securing a spot at a top university. While these elements are undeniably important, they represent just part of a multifaceted equation. The reputation and recognition of the school a student attends can play a crucial role in shaping their university application, influencing both perception and opportunity.

Take Kingsley Zhen Wei Yeon from the International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) as an example. He was accepted into Pennsylvania State University (Penn State), one of the top public universities in the US — showing how a strong school background can open doors.

“The fact that ISKL is a well-regarded institution also helped set my application apart from students from other high schools,” he says. 

Studying at ISKL

Kingsley’s time at ISKL wasn’t just about hitting the books; it was a transformative experience that shaped who he is today. At ISKL, education goes beyond learning facts—it’s about discovering the world and your passions. The school's curriculum, especially in grades 9 and 10, provides a well-rounded foundation that sparks curiosity and personal growth. This curriculum encourages critical thinking and creativity, nurturing students beyond just academics.

However, what truly defines a great education isn't just the subjects taught but the way they're delivered. The teachers at ISKL were not only experts in their respective fields but also displayed a deep commitment to their students’ success. One such teacher who had a profound impact on Kingsley's education was Mr. Drew Davis, a physics teacher.

“Mr. Davis demonstrated immense patience and dedication,” he says. "He tirelessly answered my myriad questions through emails over the weekends or during the generous hours he spent after school.” This level of accessibility and commitment is a hallmark of the teaching staff at ISKL, setting them apart and creating an environment where students feel supported and encouraged.


Kingsley believes his high school experience at ISKL was a transformative journey that significantly shaped who he has become today.

ISKL’s multicultural environment is another standout feature. The school is a melting pot of nationalities and cultures, enriching the learning experience. This diversity is also evident in the variety of co-curricular activities (CCAs) available, offering students countless ways to grow personally and broaden their perspectives. Kingsley was actively involved in the badminton and film clubs, where he found opportunities to grow personally and socially. The badminton club taught him teamwork, perseverance and strategic thinking, while the film club allowed him to explore his creativity.

“In the film club, I learned about storytelling, creativity and technical skills. Working with other students fostered a sense of community and enriched our projects with diverse cultural perspectives.”

Choosing the IB Diploma

When it was time to choose between the IB Diploma and A Levels, Kingsley chose the IB for its global recognition and comprehensive approach. While A Levels was well-respected, especially in the UK, the IB offered him the flexibility to explore higher education opportunities worldwide. The IB’s focus on academic rigour along with components like the Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge, and Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS), suited Kingsley’s desire for a well-rounded education.

The decision to pursue the IB paid off when Kingsley applied to Penn State University. The education and support he received at ISKL were instrumental in his successful application. “One of the key factors was the strong letters of recommendation from my teachers, who knew me well and could speak to my academic abilities and personal qualities in depth."

What's more, the reputation of ISKL as a well-regarded institution also helped bolster his credentials.

At Pennsylvania State University, Kingsley (middle) earned The President Sparks Award for maintaining a 4.00 GPA across at least 36 graded credits.

Excelling at Penn State and Beyond

At Penn State, Kingsley majored in Computer Science and Mathematics. While both fields fascinated him, his passion for mathematics grew stronger, partly thanks to the engaging curriculum and excellent faculty. A Penn State professor, who had completed his post-doctoral studies at NYU, recognised Kingsley’s potential and suggested he consider transferring to NYU’s Courant Institute, which is renowned for its exceptional mathematics programmes.

The transfer to NYU was a pivotal step in Kingsley’s academic journey. Despite the competitive nature of the transfer process, he was accepted into the Courant Institute, where he continued to excel in mathematics. He later graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics.

Kingsley’s passion for mathematics can be traced back to his time at ISKL. The school’s emphasis on critical thinking and analytical skills played a significant role in fueling his interest in the subject. “ISKL’s approach to education, which prioritised understanding over rote memorisation, allowed me to explore mathematical theories and their real-world applications in-depth. This teaching method fostered a deep appreciation for the subject and laid the groundwork for my future studies.”

Pursuing PhD at the University of Chicago

Today, Kingsley is pursuing his PhD at the University of Chicago, fueled by his passion for mathematics and its practical applications. Studying at this esteemed institution, known for its significant contributions to science and academia, feels like a dream come true for him.

The University of Chicago's rich history adds a special touch to Kingsley’s daily work. His office is in the same building where Enrico Fermi, a renowned American physicist, once conducted groundbreaking research for the Manhattan Project. This historic backdrop infuses his work with a sense of inspiration and purpose.

Kingsley graduated summa cum laude with a BS in Mathematics from New York University.

Here, Kingsley is surrounded by peers and faculty who are as passionate and driven as he is. The presence of Nobel laureates and Fields Medalists, the highest honour in mathematics, creates an environment of collaboration and intellectual exchange that continually challenges him to push the boundaries of his knowledge.

Looking ahead, Kingsley aims to make significant contributions to numerical analysis and approximation theory, fields that are crucial to computational mathematics and have wide-ranging applications in science and engineering.

Advice for Aspiring Students at ISKL

If you’re considering your journey at ISKL, Kingsley offers some practical advice to help you make the most of your time there:


Join as many clubs as possible: ISKL offers many clubs and extracurricular activities. Participating in these will not only help you discover and develop your interests but also allow you to meet new people and build lasting friendships. Whether it's sports, arts, science or any other interest, there's something for everyone. These activities are also great for developing teamwork, leadership skills and time management.

Engage with your teachers: The faculty at ISKL are highly knowledgeable and supportive. Take advantage of their expertise and proactively seek help or additional resources. Establishing good relationships with your teachers can provide valuable mentorship and guidance throughout your academic journey.

Take academic risks: Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself by taking difficult courses or exploring new subjects. The curriculum at ISKL is designed to push you intellectually and prepare you for higher education. Embrace these challenges as opportunities to grow and learn.