School Advisor Articles

How the IB Diploma Prepared Jonathan Chin for Success at the University of Toronto

Published by SchoolAdvisor | Jul 24, 2024

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme is often considered the gold standard of education, but its demanding nature may not suit all students.

This rigorous curriculum covers six subject areas and includes critical thinking, theory of knowledge, and creativity, activity and service (CAS), requiring significant time commitment and strong self-management skills. While it prepares well-rounded individuals for top universities, the workload can be overwhelming for those who struggle with time management or prefer a specialised academic focus. Ultimately, the IB diploma is best suited for highly motivated students who excel in a diverse academic environment - someone like Jonathan Chin.

Jonathan, currently pursuing his Bachelor’s degree in Economics at the University of Toronto, completed his IB programme at Nexus International School Malaysia, scoring 44 out of 45 — an impressive result.

Reflecting on his journey at Nexus, Jonathan shares his experiences, insights and the valuable skills he gained that have shaped his academic and personal growth.


A Thriving Learning Environment

Jonathan’s tenure at Nexus began in Primary 3, and for the next 13 years, the school provided a nurturing ground for his intellectual and personal development. The extensive range of CCAs (Co-Curricular Activities) offered him a wealth of opportunities, while the facilities on the beautiful campus bolstered his experience there. However, what he enjoyed the most about Nexus was the actual academics and the interactions with teachers, who gave him the leeway to have intellectual exchanges and debate varied perspectives.

His decade-long journey with Nexus took an interesting turn when he decided to pursue the IB programme offered by the school. Reflecting on his choice, Jonathan explained that the IB’s reputation for being demanding both in content and workload played a significant role. “The need to balance six subjects, along with Theory of Knowledge and a 4,000-word Extended Essay, goes beyond what most other programs demand.”

During his Year 12, Jonathan was selected to represent Malaysia in the World Schools Debating Championship 2020

Jonathan’s decision was also influenced by his uncertainty about his future academic path. “I ultimately chose the IB programme because I was partly undecided on what I wanted to pursue at university and choosing six subjects allowed me to have more time to truly explore my interests.”

This flexibility and intellectual freedom offered by the IB programme were crucial for Jonathan, who appreciated the opportunity to delve deeply into subjects that captivated his curiosity, such as researching protests in apartheid-era South Africa for his History Extended Essay and studying the Chinese Cultural Revolution through his History Internal Assessment.

Throughout his journey, Nexus provided a supportive environment where subject teachers were good at both captivating students’ attention and being a constant source of support. They taught the material in highly engaging ways and were always available whenever students needed to test the merits of their ideas and arguments. One such teacher was Mr Matthew, Jonathan’s History teacher. “I don’t think there was a single History lesson I did not eagerly look forward to.”

As for the pastoral team, they provided complete support to the students in any way necessary to ensure their well-being. This guidance was particularly valuable during the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic when teachers went above and beyond to ensure continuity in learning and emotional support for students.

Harnessing Soft Skills through CCAs

Recognised as a top IB school in Malaysia, Nexus not only provides quality education but also places great importance on CCAs, supported by its extensive facilities. The expansive, scenic campus of Nexus boasts a swimming pool, tennis courts, a football field, an indoor gym and a modern theatre, to name a few.

Throughout his time at the school, Jonathan enrolled in various CCAs such as chess, first-aid training, badminton, table tennis and Model UN. Participating in these activities helped him cultivate essential skills that were not found in the conventional classroom setting but were essential for his personal growth.

“I think the biggest skill set I gained from my co-curricular activities at Nexus was leadership, and in particular, how to be an effective leader working with a pool of student colleagues with diverse skill sets and backgrounds,” he says.

Jonathan was the piano accompanist for a choir during his IB programme

Over the two years of his IB programme, Jonathan has held several key positions such as the Secretary General of the Model UN conference (NISMUNC), Director for the Model UN CCA and Vice President of the Student Council.

Speaking specifically about the Model UN conference, he recounted the challenges and triumphs of shifting their annual conference to a virtual setting amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “Over the months then, we had the unprecedented task of redrawing team responsibilities, marketing the first-ever online NISMUNC and ensuring that everything ran smoothly on the technical side of things. As an entirely student-led conference, that allowed me to grow as a leader and independent thinker.”.

Jonathan highlighted the constant need to negotiate with student colleagues, seek feedback from teacher supervisors and take decisive action whenever they were at a crossroads. These experiences not only enriched his leadership skills but also added significant value to his college applications. “I was able to speak about this in my college applications, which I believe gives more colour to one’s profile.”

Outside of Nexus, Jonathan was part of the Malaysian national debate team. He believes debate gives him crucial soft skills, which have been invaluable in applying for university and internships, as well as in social interactions.

Jonathan is a recipient of President’s Scholar of Excellence Award and the University of Toronto International Scholar Award which are merit-based scholarships

Pursuing higher studies at the University of Toronto

Jonathan was introduced to the University of Toronto through Nexus, as the school regularly invites guest speakers and lecturers from top universities. His interest in Economics sparked during his IB Diploma, led him to specialise in Economics with a focus on Data Analytics. He chose a North American degree over offers from the UK for its flexibility in combining majors and minors to suit his interests.

“While I enjoyed my first-year economics courses, that wasn’t what ultimately drew me into the discipline,” he says. His conviction to dive into Economics was solidified during a summer internship at Bank Negara Malaysia. Conversations with the bank economists highlighted the rising importance of data analytics, leading him to focus on data analytics within his economics degree, shaping his academic and career aspirations.

A Gratifying Journey at Nexus International School Malaysia

Studying at an international school like Nexus significantly shaped Jonathan’s worldview. “The key value of an international school is primarily twofold: it gives students the freedom and opportunity to pursue their interests and doesn’t impose a particular right or wrong answer.” Jonathan emphasised that, unlike rote learning in some public schools, international schools prioritise critical thinking and the ability to think independently. This approach was particularly evident in the IB programme’s structure.

Jonathan is expected to complete his Bachelor’s degree at the University of Toronto in 2025

Being at Nexus also taught Jonathan how to manage stress and time effectively. “Given the intensity of the workload, I learned to focus on what’s most important and to let go of other things.”

Reflecting on his journey after graduating from Nexus, Jonathan offered some advice for future students of the school. “The most valuable thing is for a child to be given the opportunity to find what interests them, allowing them to organically develop a love for learning.”

He believes that programmes like the IB are invaluable in offering a wide range of subjects for students to explore, helping them discover their true passions.