
GIS art student paints for school principal

Published by SchoolAdvisor | Dec 21, 2015

Layla Duckett, an A-Levels art student at Garden International School (GIS) recently completed an urban-themed painting for her client Mr. Colter Watt, the school principal.

Delighted at the opportunity to do a commisioned piece, Layla was initially nervous of the outcome but managed to channel her worries into working on the painting thus producing an aesthetically pleasing 2ft x 3ft painting which features the Twin Towers in different color schemes, media and compositions.

GIS art

“I chosed urban landscape as the theme because my client ( Mr Watt) mentioned that he liked the urban feel and cities as an overall theme, so I tried my best to create a piece of work that would reflect the urban scene,” Layla elaborated.

Having spent a good 20 hours on the painting, Layla further remarked “It took a lot of dedication but I knew that without the extra hours, I wouldn't have been able to complete or create the piece I wanted,”

GIS art

Going through developmental stages are crucial for art students as that will give them the chance to discover more about artworks and ultimately help them create their own original piece. Raised to love art and drawing, Layla hopes to never lose her ability to make art as that is the one thing that she is wholly passionate about.


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