Parenting Guide

7 Ways to Calm a Cough Your Paediatrician Won’t Tell You About

Published by SchoolAdvisor | Jun 08, 2015

The rainy season is here and with it comes the orchestra of coughs,sneezing and wheezing, in harmony. No matter how hard you try to protect your child, he or she will still be susceptible to persistent bouts of cough during this time of the year.The possibility increases if he/she is attending a nursery or in contact with other adults or children who are sick.Do you know it is harmful for children under the age of 6 to be given dosages of cough syrup? The American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) strictly says that:"...research has shown these products (over the counter cough and cold medicine) offer little benefit to young children-and can have potentially serious side effects. Many cough and cold products for children have more than one ingredient, increasing the chance of accidental overdose if combined with another product (3)."

Stopping Coughs Naturally

If the medicine provided at the clinic does not work, you might want to consider these few options to soothe a cough. Remember to give your kids sufficient fluids and rest. Here are some effective ways to calm a cough:

1. Tui Na "Spinal Roll" Massage for Cough

This traditional Chinese massage technique is used to treat all types of coughs. It works by stimulating the body to heal itself.It only takes a few minutes to do, is safe and works for any age. Do it two to three times a day for effective results to treat cough and chest congestion.No special training is required and parents can do this at home for their kids.

2. Honey and Lemons

Honey-and-Lemon_600x400The best kind of honey used to treat a cough is raw, dark amber honey. Local dark honey works great.WARNING: DO NOT GIVE HONEY TO BABIES 12 MONTHS AND BELOW!Lemon, honey and ginger tea is a useful way to heal sore throats and coughs. Honey and lemon breaks up mucous. Use 1 tablespoon of honey to one teaspoon of lemon juice.

3. Get Rid of Dairy Products

Why? Because dairy products increase mucous production. Take it out of their diet when they are sick, especially when they have a phlegmy cough.NOTE: Do not eliminate dairy when your baby is breastfeeding or drinking cow's milk formula.

4. Herbal Tea

Herbs like licorice root, mullein,sage leaves, wild cherry bark and slippery elm can be made into a tea with a little honey to calm a cough.

5. Essential Oil Chest Rub

Essenntial oils can help to reduce nasal and chest congestion when used in a chest rub for children ages 10 and up. Instead of using petrochemicals like those contained in Vick's Vapour Rub, you can mix essential oils in organic olive oil and make a herbal oil.NOTE: Essential oils should never be applied directly to the skin. In children younger than 10, check the essential oils for safety.

6. Essential Oil Steam Bath

baby_600x400A warm steam bath before bed can help ease a night cough. Start a hot bath, close the shower door, and let the room get steamy. Add a few drops of essential oils into the tub.

7. Organic Poached Pears with Cinnamon

Wine-Poached-Pears_600x400Eat half a pear before bed. It is good for a dry, scratchy, throat.This article is adapted from